How To Host A Summer Garden Party

Summer is the perfect season for hosting a delightful garden party. The warm weather, blooming flowers, and long days create an ideal setting for outdoor gatherings. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying the season with friends and family, a well-planned garden party can be a memorable event. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps on how to host a summer garden party, highlighting some fabulous outfit options from Lily and Lionel such as the Savannah Dress, Peony Print Dress, and FiFi Dress.

Setting the Scene

Choose the Right Location

The first step in planning a summer garden party is selecting the perfect location. If you have a beautiful garden or backyard, that’s a great start. Make sure the area is well-maintained, with mowed lawns, trimmed hedges, and vibrant flowers in bloom. If your garden is smaller, consider a local park or a botanical garden for a more expansive setting.

Decorate with Style

Decorations can transform your garden into a magical party venue. Use string lights, lanterns, and candles to create a warm, inviting atmosphere as the sun sets. Incorporate colourful cushions and throws for seating areas, and set up a few shaded spots with umbrellas or canopies to provide relief from the midday sun. Fresh flowers in vases or potted plants can enhance the natural beauty of the garden.

Comfortable Seating

Ensure there’s enough seating for all your guests. Mix and match chairs, benches, and outdoor sofas to create cosy seating arrangements. Adding outdoor rugs can define different areas and make the space feel more homely.


Planning the Menu

Refreshing Beverages

A summer garden party isn’t complete without refreshing drinks. Offer a variety of options including homemade lemonade, iced tea, and flavoured water with slices of fruit and herbs. For alcoholic beverages, consider a signature cocktail, sangria, or a selection of chilled wines. Don’t forget to provide non-alcoholic alternatives and plenty of ice.

Delicious Food

When it comes to food, opt for light and seasonal dishes that are easy to eat outdoors. Finger foods, salads, and grilled items are perfect choices. Prepare a mix of appetisers like bruschetta, vegetable platters, and cheese boards. For the main course, consider barbecue options or a buffet with an assortment of salads and cold dishes. Finish with refreshing desserts like fruit salads, sorbets, or a classic summer trifle.


Dress Code: Summer Chic

Savannah Dress

The Savannah Dress is a stunning choice for a summer garden party. Its flowy design and lightweight fabric make it perfect for staying cool while looking effortlessly elegant. The dress features a beautiful print that captures the essence of summer, making it a standout piece for any garden gathering.

Peony Print Dress

For a touch of floral charm, the Peony Print Dress is an ideal option. This dress showcases a lovely peony pattern that adds a feminine and fresh look to your party outfit. Its flattering silhouette and comfortable fit ensure you’ll feel as good as you look, allowing you to enjoy the festivities with ease.

FiFi Dress

The FiFi Dress offers a blend of sophistication and playfulness. With its chic design and vibrant colours, this dress is perfect for making a statement at your summer garden party. Its breathable fabric and stylish cut make it suitable for both daytime and evening events, providing versatility and elegance.


Entertainment and Activities

Music and Ambiance

Music is essential for setting the right mood at your garden party. Create a playlist of upbeat and relaxed tunes that suit the occasion. Consider hiring a live band or a DJ if you want to elevate the entertainment. Keep the volume at a level where guests can still have conversations without shouting.

Fun Activities

Plan a few activities to keep guests entertained. Lawn games like croquet, bocce ball, or giant Jenga can be great fun for both kids and adults. If space allows, set up a photo booth with props and a backdrop for guests to capture memories of the day.


Hosting Tips for a Smooth Party

Invitations and RSVPs

Send out invitations well in advance, whether through traditional mail or digital platforms. Include all necessary details such as date, time, location, dress code, and RSVP instructions. Knowing the number of guests will help you plan seating, food, and beverages accordingly.

Weather Preparations

While summer weather is generally favourable, it’s always good to have a backup plan in case of unexpected changes. Have a sheltered area like a marquee or indoor space ready, or prepare to reschedule if needed. Provide sunscreen and insect repellent for guests to ensure everyone stays comfortable throughout the event.

Stay Organised

As the host, staying organised is key to a successful garden party. Create a checklist of tasks to complete before the event, such as setting up decorations, preparing food, and arranging seating. Enlist the help of family or friends to share the workload and ensure everything runs smoothly.


How to Host a Summer Garden Party: Final Thoughts

Hosting a summer garden party can be a delightful experience with the right planning and preparation. From choosing the perfect location and decorations to selecting refreshing food and drinks, every detail contributes to creating a memorable event. Don’t forget to dress the part with stunning outfits like the Savannah Dress, Peony Print Dress, and FiFi Dress from Lily and Lionel. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to hosting a beautiful and enjoyable summer garden party that your guests will remember for years to come.